Code Manipulation

Diomidis Spinellis
Department of Management Science and Technology
Athens University of Economics and Business
Athens, Greece

Typical Tasks

Regular Expressions

Regular Expression Symbols

^Beginning of a line
$End of a line
.Any character
Expression?The expression zero or one times
Expression*The expression zero or more times
Expression+The expression one or more times
Expression{n}The expression n times
Expression{n,}The expression at least n times
Expression{n,m}The expression at least n but no more than m times
Expression1|Expression2 The expression1 or the expression2
(Expression) The expression within the brackets
\1 \2 ... \n The content of the nth bracket

Character Classes

[abc]One of a, b, or c
[a-z]A letter from a to z
[^abc]Any letter appart from a, b, and c.
\t The character tab
\n The character newline
\r The character carriage return
\a The character alert
\f The character form feed
\e The character escape
\cx The character control-x (a-z)
\d Digit
\D Non-digit
\s Space
\S Non-space

The Editor as a Code Browser

Code Searching with grep

Locating File Differences

Using the Compiler

Compiler Warning Messages

(Depending on the language, some of the above may be errors)

The Compiler as a Code-Reading Tool

Assembly Can be Useful

Read symbolic code to

Code Browsers

Code browsers typicall offer the following facilities:

Code Browsers in OO

In OO languages given a class you can find:


(Live demo in Eclipse.)


For printing use a pretty-printer, like listings (LaTeX), vgrind (troff).

Cdecl: Decoding C Declarations

void (*signal(int sig, void (*func)(int)))(int);

declare signal as function that expects (sig as int, func as pointer to
function that expects (int) returning void) returning pointer to function
that expects (int) returning void;