The paper
- Panos Kourouthanasis,
Diomidis Spinellis, Giorgos Roussos, and
Giorgos Giaglis.
cokes and diapers: MyGrocer ubiquitous computing environment.
In First International Mobile Business Conference, pages 150–172,
July 2002.

has been cited by the following works.
- Christian Decker, Uwe
Kubach, and Michael Beigl.
Revealing the
retail black box by interaction sensing.
In Michael Beigl, editor, 3rd International Workshop on Smart Appliances
and Wearable Computing (IWSAWC 2003), May 2003.
- Rok Rupnik and
Marjan Krisper.
role of mobile applications in information systems.
In Second International Mobile Business Conference, June 2003.
- Matthias Lampe, Martin
Strassner, and Elgar Fleisch.
A ubiquitous computing environment for aircraft maintenance.
In Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied computing,
pages 1586–1592. ACM Press, 2004.
- Seng Wai Loke and
Arkady Zaslavsky.
ambient services as enhancement to physical marketplaces.
In Proc. 37th Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences (HICSS-37),
pages 4509–4516, January 2004.
- Gregory M. P. O'Hare,
Stephen Keegan, and Michael J. O'Grady.
Realising the ambient intelligence vision through the deployment of mobile,
intentional agents.
In Panos Markopoulos, Berry Eggen, Emile H. L. Aarts, and James L. Crowley,
editors, Ambient Intelligence: Second European Symposium, EUSAI
2004, pages 339–350. Springer Verlag, November 2004.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3295.
- Rok Rupnik and
Marjan Krisper.
Context-aware mobile application model.
Elektrotehniski Vestnik/Electrotechnical Review, 71(4):215–219,
- Rok Rupnik and
Marjan Krisper.
applications: A new application model in information systems.
In Mobile Information Systems: IFIP TC 8 Working Conference on Mobile
Information Systems (MOBIS). Springer Verlag, 2004.
- Martin Strassner,
Elgar Fleisch, and Matthias Lampe.
Ubiquitous computing in der flugzeugwartung.
In Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik — Mobile and Collaborative
Business, Essen, Germany, March 2004.
- J. Strüker and S. Sackmann.
forms of customer communication: Concepts and pilot projects.
In In Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems
(AMCIS '04), August 2004.
- G.M.P. O'Hare, M.J.
O'Grady, R.W. Collier, and S. Keegan.
Agents as catalysts for mobile computing.
In Paolo Bresciani, Paolo Giorgini, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Graham Low, and
Michael Winikoff, editors, Agent-Oriented Information Systems II, 6th
International Bi-Conference Workshop, AOIS 2004, Riga, Latvia, June 8, 2004
and New York, NY, USA, July 20, 2004, Revised Selected Papers, pages
182–197. Springer-Verlag, 2005.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3508.
- Gregory M.P.
O'Hare, M.J. O'Grady, R. Collier, S. Keegan, D. O'Kane, R. Tynan, and
D. Marsh.
Ambient intelligence through agile agents.
In Ambient Intelligence for Scientific Discovery, pages 286–310.
Springer-Verlag, 2005.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3345.
- E. Aarts
and J. Encarnação.
True visions: The emergence of ambient intelligence.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
- D. Kelly, P. Finnegan, and
J. Feller.
Open vs. closed standards for ambient intelligence: An exploratory study of
In Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Information Systems,
ECIS 2006, 2006.
- Kyoung Jun Lee, Mu Jeong
Jeong, and Jeong-In Ju.
Seamlessness and privacy enhanced ubiquitous payment.
In E-Commerce and Web Technologies, pages 142–151, 2006.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4082.
- Kyoung Jun Lee,
Jeong-In Ju, and Jeong Mu Jeong.
A payment & receipt business model in U-commerce environment.
In ICEC '06: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on
Electronic commerce, pages 319–324, New York, NY, USA, 2006. ACM
- W. Maass and
A. Filler.
Towards an infrastructure for semantically annotated physical products.
In INFORMATIK 2006 - Informatik fur Menschen, Beitrage der 36.
Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fur Informatik e.V. (GI), volume 2,
pages 544–549, 2006.
- Wolfgang Maass and
Andreas Filler.
Towards an
infrastructure for semantically annotated physical products.
In Christian Hochberger and Rüdiger Liskowsky, editors, Informatik
2006 — Informatik für Menschen, Band 2, Beiträge der 36.
Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), volume 94
of LNI, pages 544–549, 2006.
- Rainer Wasinger
and Wolfgang Wahlster.
anthropomorphized product shelf: Symmetric multimodal interaction with
instrumented environments.
In E.H.L. Aarts and J.L. Encarnaç ao, editors, True Visions: The
Emergence of Ambient Intelligence. Springer-Verlag, 2006.
- W. Maass and
S. Janzen.
Dynamic product interfaces: A key element for ambient shopping environments.
In 20th Bled eConference - eMergence: Merging and Emerging Technologies,
Processes, and Institutions, pages 457–470. Bled eCommerce
Conference, 2007.
- W. Maass and M. Lampe.
Integration of standardized and non-standardized product data.
In INFORMATIK 2007 - Informatik Trifft Logistik, Beitrage der 37.
Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fur Informatik e.V. (GI), volume 1,
pages 141–146, 2007.
- L. Becchetti,
U. Colesanti, A. Marchetti-Spaccamela, and A. Vitaletti.
Self-adaptive recommendation systems: Models and experimental analysis.
In Proceedings - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and
Self-Organizing Systems, SASO 2008, pages 479–480, 2008.
- P. Benou and V. Bitos.
Developing mobile commerce applications.
Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, 6(1):63–78,
- S. Karpischek,
F. Michahelles, F. Resatsch, and E. Fleisch.
Mobile sales assistant: An NFC-based product information system for
In Proceedings — 2009 1st International Workshop on Near Field
Communication, NFC 2009, pages 20–23, 2009.
- D. Santos,
A. Pereira, and R. Gonçalves.
Architecture of an innovative system for the acquisition of products in
supermarkets — business model.
In 4a Conferencia Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, CISTI
2009 - 4th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
2009, pages 61–66. Associacao Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de
Informacao, 2009.
- D.S.S. Santos, A.M.J.
Pereira, and R.M.R.M. Gonçalves.
Intelligent cart: Architecture of an innovative system for the acquisition of
products in grocery stores.
In 11th International Business Information Management Association
Conference, IBIMA 2009, volume 1-3, pages 350–357. International
Business Information Management Association, IBIMA, 2009.
- F. Von Reischach,
F. Michahelles, and A. Schmidt.
The design space of ubiquitous product recommendation systems.
In MUM 2009 — Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mobile
and Ubiquitous Multimedia, 2009.
- S.K.A. Hossain, A.S.M.
Mahfujur Rahman, T.T. Tran, and A. El Saddik.
Location aware question answering based product searching in mobile handheld
In Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation
and Real-Time Applications, DS-RT, pages 189–195, 2010.
- F. Von Reischach,
E. Dubach, F. Michahelles, and A. Schmidt.
An evaluation of product review modalities for mobile phones.
In ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pages 199–207,
- V. Zeimpekis,
I. Minis, and V. Pappa.
Real-time logistics management of dried figs using RFID technology: Case
study in a greek cooperative company.
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management,
7(3):265–285, 2010.
- L. Becchetti, U.M.
Colesanti, A. Marchetti-Spaccamela, and A. Vitaletti.
Recommending items in pervasive scenarios: Models and experimental analysis.
Knowledge and Information Systems, 28(3):555–578, 2011.
- M.A. Besbes and
H. Hamam.
An intelligent RFID checkout for stores.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Microelectronics,
ICM, 2011.
- A. Bassiri, M.R. Malek,
and P. Amirian.
Ambient shopping advertisement using rough service domain.
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments,
4(2):95–105, 2012.
- L. Becchetti,
U. Colesanti, A. Marchetti-Spaccamela, and A. Vitaletti.
Fully decentralized recommendations in pervasive systems: Models and
experimental analysis.
Engineering Intelligent Systems, 20(3):161–170, 2012.
- I. Garcia, S. Pajares,
L. Sebastia, and E. Onaindia.
Preference elicitation techniques for group recommender systems.
Information Sciences, 189:155–175, 2012.
- M. Salamó,
K. McCarthy, and B. Smyth.
Generating recommendations for consensus negotiation in group personalization
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 16(5):597–610, 2012.
- C. Mettouris and G.A. Papadopoulos.
Ubiquitous recommender systems.
Computing, 96(3):223–257, 2014.
- H. Yang, R. Sawhney,
G. Zhang, L. Marella, and Z. Han.
Using smart kitchen for grocery purchase prediction.
In IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2014, pages 2504–2511.
Institute of Industrial Engineers, 2014.
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