Metric | Description | Metrics | LoC |
Size | Calculates various project size measurements,
such as number of files and lines for various types of source files. | 11 | 642 |
Module | Aggregates size metrics per source code directory.
| 3 | 417 |
Code structure | Parses source code to a language neutral
intermediate representation and evaluates structure metrics,
such as the Chidamber and Kemerer metric suite [3], on the intermediate representation. | 15 | 958 |
Contribution | Analyzes repository, mailing list and bug
database developer activity and extracts a measurement of the developer
contribution to the development process [4]. | 1 | 1451 |
Multigrep | Applies a regular expression to source code files
and reports the matches as a measurement. The applied regular expression
is configurable at run-time. | Configurable | 346 |
Testability | Identifies and counts testing cases for common
unit testing frameworks. | 1 | 561 |
Quality | A custom quality model implementation that
aggregates the results of various structure, size and process metrics
into an ordinal scale evaluation [8]. | 1 | 2408 |