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A Platform for Software Engineering Research
Georgios Gousios, Diomidis Spinellis
Department of Management Science and Technlology
Athens University of Economics and Business
Athens, Greece
Research in the fields of software quality, maintainability
and evolution requires the analysis of large quantities of data, which
often originate from open source software projects. Collecting and
preprocessing data,
calculating metrics, and synthesizing composite results from a large corpus
of project artifacts is a tedious and error prone task lacking direct
scientific value. The Alitheia Core tool is an extensible platform for
software quality analysis that is designed specifically to facilitate
software engineering research on large and diverse data sources, by
integrating data collection and preprocessing phases with an array of
analysis services, and presenting the researcher with an easy to use
extension mechanism. Alitheia Core aims to be the basis of an ecosystem of
shared tools and research data that will enable researchers to
focus on their research questions at hand, rather than spend time on
re-implementing analysis tools.
In this paper, we present the Alitheia Core platform in detail and
demonstrate its usefulness in mining software repositories by guiding
the reader through the steps required to execute a simple experiment.
1 Introduction
A well-known conjecture in software engineering is that a product's quality
is related to various product and process metrics.
Open source software ( OSS) allows any researcher to examine
a system's actual code and perform white box testing and analysis [1].
In addition, in most open source projects, researchers can access their
version control
system, mailing lists, and bug management databases and thereby obtain
information about the process behind the product. However, deep analysis of
those software artifacts is neither simple nor cheap in terms of computing
resources. Many successful OSS projects have a lifespan in excess of a
decade and therefore have amassed several GBs worth of valuable product
and process data.
In this paper, we present Alitheia Core, an extensible platform designed
specifically for performing large-scale software engineering and repository
mining studies. Alitheia Core is the first platform to offer an extensible,
integrated representation of software engineering data and the first to
automate and parallelize the execution of custom experiments. Using Alitheia
Core, researchers can design and execute quantitative and exploratory studies
on empirical data without having to deal with low-level tasks such as
pre-formatting data or updating their datasets when new data from projects
become available.
The contributions of this work are the following.
- A discussion of the importance of shared experimental infrastructures for the MSR community.
- A presentation of an architecture for efficiently calculating
and combining product and process metrics from large data sources.
- The introduction of an integrated software analysis platform that can form the basis of an emerging ecosystem of product and process analysis tools along with a demonstration of its effectiveness.
2 Conducting research with software repositories
The main problem that researchers face when working with software repositories
is that it is difficult to setup experiments in a way that can be extended or
replicated. Despite the fact that data is free and in theory easy to obtain,
there are several hurdles that researchers must overcome in order to experiment
with large numbers of projects.
To start with, the OSS development tools landscape is very diverse;
currently, in use are at least five major revision control systems (including
CVS, Subversion, GIT, Mercurial and Bazaar), four bug tracking
systems (Bugzilla, SourceForge tracker, Jira, GNATS) and
literally hundreds of configurations of mailing list services and Wiki
documentation systems. Also, depending on the nature of the evaluated asset,
experiments can work with source code file contents, source code repository
metadata, bug reports, or arbitrary combinations thereof. Collecting and
processing hundreds of gigabytes of data from such a diverse set of data
sources requires careful consideration of the storage formats and the mirroring
process. Moreover, the choice of the particular data storage format should not
hinder the researcher's ability to work with other raw data formats as well, as
it is common for projects that are interesting to study to use custom tools to
manage their development.
On the other hand there is the issue of efficiency; in large experiments a
researcher must be able to apply on large data volumes algorithms that are
often CPU-intensive. An average size for a small to medium project is in
the order of 5000 revisions; a few large projects, like Free BSD, have
more than one hundred thousand revisions. Each revision of the project can have
thousands of live files (the Linux kernel has about 25000), the majority of
which are source code files. A rough calculation for an average 20 KB file
size shows that the system would read a gigabyte of data just to load the
processed file contents into memory. Even this simple operation is
prohibitively expensive to do online as it would introduce large latencies and
would hurt the performance of the project hosting servers. Moreover, if a
metric requires an average 10s of processing time per revision, processing the
average project would take 14 hours on a single CPU computer. After some
experimentation with such back of the envelope calculations, it becomes
apparent that a naive approach of getting the data from the project's
repository on request and processing does not scale; a more sophisticated
solution that would combine project local data mirroring and parallel
processing and possibly clustering is required.
Furthermore, there is clear a lack of standardization in experiment setups. In
other fields of computer science, researchers use predefined data sets (e.g.
the ACM KDD cup datasets for data mining research [2]) or software
platforms (e.g. Jikes RVM in the field of virtual machines [3])
for developing and executing experiments, which leads to experiments that are
easy to replicate and also to research results that are comparable and that can
be extended by further research. The repository mining community has not yet
settled on any standards, neither for rigorous evaluation of hypotheses using
common experimental data nor for shared tools for experimentation. In our
view, this leads to fragmentation of research focus and, more significantly, to
duplication of effort spent on tool development.
As a consequence of the above, many research studies on OSS (including
our own, which motivated this work [4,5]) are one-off shots.
There is a large number of studies that investigate a research hypothesis by
conducting experiments on small number of projects and a very limited number of
exploratory studies that examine properties across projects, while, to the best
of our knowledge, there is no independent replication of corresponding
empirical research.
These problems have been identified early on and solutions have been
proposed [6], albeit to no effect. Recently, there has been a wave
of calls for the analysis of large bodies of OSS, the sharing of research
results and standardization of research infrastructures [7]. To this
end, other researchers propose common repositories for sharing research
data [8] or even using e-Science infrastructures (the Grid) for
large scale collaborative studies as in the case of physics or
medicine [9]. We believe that a shared repository of tools or
research results is a good step forward but in the long term would not be
sufficient for the MSR community, given the wealth of available data
sources and the fact that a lot of tools are already freely available. In our
view, there is a clear need for standardized, open experimentation infrastructures.
Ideally, such an infrastructure should offer:
- Structured representation of repository data
- Extensibility hooks to allow a researcher to easily write
custom experimental tools
- Support for experiment automation
Moreover, the infrastructure should support the sharing of research data through open formats
over easily accessible service interfaces and the en masse processing of data.
3 The Alitheia Core platform
Figure 1: The Alitheia Core architecture
Based on the principles presented above, we designed and implemented the
Alitheia1 Core system, an extensible platform targeted to
large-scale software quality, evolution and repository mining studies. An
overview of the platform's architecture can be seen in Figure 1. To
separate the concerns of mirroring and storing the raw data and processing and
presenting the results, the system is designed around a three-tier
architecture, with separate data acquisition, data processing and presentation
The work presented in this section was first outlined in [10] and
various bits of it are described in greater depth in [11]. In this
paper, we introduce several system aspects not presented in earlier work,
namely the metadata schema, the update process and the system's extension points
while also putting more emphasis on how this data can be used by plug-ins.
3.1 The core
The core's role is to provide the services required by metric plug-ins to
operate. The core is based on a system bus; various services are attached to
the bus and are accessed via a service interface. The OSGi [12]
component model was selected to host the system's core layer; consequently the
system and its plug-ins are implemented in Java. The choice of the specific
implementation technology was made partially because of the wealth of
ready-made components being available within the Java application ecosystem and
also because OSGi offers a standards based, light weight plug-in platform
that would enable the easy sharing of metric plug-ins.
The data access layer consists of two basic components: the database service
and the fat/thin data access stack. The database service is central to the
system as it serves the triple role of abstracting the underlying data formats
by storing the corresponding metadata, storing metric results, and providing
the types used throughout the system to model project resources. It uses an
object-relational mapping to eliminate the barrier between runtime types and
stored data [13], and has integrated transaction management facilities.
Access to raw data is regulated by a plug-in based stack of accessors whose
lower layers directly touch the mirrored data (Thin Data Store- TDS),
while the higher parts provide caching and combined raw data and processed
metadata access (Fat Data Store- FDS).
The Alitheia Core has been designed from the ground up for performance and
scalability. All metric plug-in executions and a significant number of
performance critical functions in the core (e.g. metadata updates) are modeled
as jobs. In most cases, the execution path is lock-free, which enables high
scalability and, given the appropriate hardware, very high throughput rates.
The processing core is currently being run on 8 and 16 core machines,
exhibiting almost linear scalability and full processor utilization. Alitheia
Core also includes clustering capabilities through the cluster service. The
development of the cluster service was based on the observation that after the
initial metadata synchronization, the workloads the system processes are
usually embarrassingly parallel. The cluster service restricts access to
projects during metadata updates and allows metrics to be run on several nodes
in parallel.
The core implements several auxiliary services such as the plug-in manager, the
logger for system wide configurable logging, the user account and security
manager for regulating access to the system database and finally the messaging
service for email based communication with external users. The core also
includes a web-based administrative console, selected parts of which are also
available through a script-based interface. Finally, under development is a
source code parser service that enables metric plug-ins to use a programming
language-neutral, XML-based abstract syntax tree representation,
specifically designed to hold enough metadata for source code metrics. Currently,
the service can fully parse programs written in Java.
3.2 Processing data and storing metadata
Figure 2: Basic entities in the Alitheia Core database and their relationships
The Alitheia Core system uses a database to store metadata about the processed
projects. The role of the metadata is not to create replicas of the raw data in
the database but rather to provide a set of entities against which plug-ins
work with, while also enabling efficient storage and fast retrieval of the
project state at any point of the project's lifetime. The original contents of
the resources are kept in the raw data stores and can be reached by providing
the links stored along with the metadata in the TDS service. The
database schema is shown in Figure 2. The schema is composed of four
sub-schemata, one for each project data source and one that deals with metric
configuration and measurements storage. Plug-ins can define new entities and
thus extend the basic schema arbitrarily. Upon project registration, a
preprocessing phase extracts the metadata from the raw data and stores them in
the database. There are three metadata updaters in the Alitheia Core system.
The source code metadata updater is the most complex of the three; in its
current form, it can process the full set of the Subversion version control
system operations. The complexity stems from the fact that Subversion supports
multiple operations on a single resource to be recorded in a single transaction
(for example, copy-then-delete or delete-then-replace) while also enabling
low-overhead copying of resources in the repository. The copying feature is
also used to create tags and branches, which means that the updater must be
able to differentiate between copying operations according to their purpose.
The source code updater stores file metadata differentially; instead of
recreating the full file tree in the ProjectFile table for each
revision, it just stores the changes between revisions. Therefore an entry in
the ProjectFile table corresponds to a state in the file's lifetime.
The mailing list metadata updater works in two steps; the first step consists
of simply parsing the email headers and inserting entries in the corresponding
tables. During the second step, the updater resolves the parent-child
relationships between the recorded emails and organizes them in threads,
setting the appropriate thread depth and parent fields in each email entry.
The bug metadata updater is straightforward; for each new bug description, it
creates entries in the Bug table with state information about the
processed bug while also keeping the full text for each bug comment. The text
will be used to create a full text search engine component in the future.
The final step of the updating process deals with the resolution of developer
identities. In the course of a project, developers use several emails to post
to mailing lists or to subscribe to bug tracking systems, but usually can be
uniquely identified by the name that is attached to an email post or the user
name for the project's SCM system. During the updating phase, the
Developer table is filled in with all data each updater knows or can infer from
the raw data, namely user names, {real name, email} tuples and
emails for source code management systems, mailing messages and bug reports
respectively. The developer resolver uses a set of simple heuristics, the
majority of which are described by Robles et al. in [14], to
associate developer real names to user names and emails. It improves over
earlier work by employing a set of approximate string matching techniques, namely
metaphone codes, Levenshtein distances [15] and regular expressions, to
improve the matching accuracy and automation. It also takes advantage from the
fact that the database can contain several instances of the same developer
associated with other projects.
At the end of the update process, the Alitheia Core system is fully equiped
with the appropriate metadata to respond to metadata queries much faster than
comparable approaches that involve access to the raw data stores.The relative
volume of the stored metadata is comparable to that of raw data.
Table 1 presents a comparison of the items stored our project
mirror with the items stored in the database after processing. The metadata
enable complex metrics that need to read the contents of project artifacts to
benefit from the database's ability to filter out unwanted items before they
reach for the data retrieval subsystem; for example a metric interested in a
subset of the project files (e.g. all source code files) can request just those
and the system will automatically filter out irrelevant entries, thereby saving
the time to fully checkout and then clean up a full project revision. The time
savings are significant: on our system, a query to retrieve all source code
files for version 135332 of the Free BSD project executes in two
seconds. A comparable approach would entail checking out all files from the
repository and then selecting the required ones: on our system this takes 14
minutes for version 135332 of Free BSD. Furthermore, the metadata entities
are also used by metrics to store and calculate results in an incremental
fashion; for example, when the source code updater encounters a new revision,
it will notify all metrics that calculate their results on whole project
checkouts, and, after the result is calculated, it can be stored against the
same database object.
Table 1: Raw vs processed data sizes
Data | Evince | Orbit2 | FreeBSD |
Raw Data (items) | | | |
Revisions | 3588 | 2108 | 190854 |
Emails (Lists) | 1430 (1) | 4834 (4) | - |
Bugs | 5555 | 246 | - |
Processed data (DB lines) | | | |
Developer | 3862 | 843 | 514 |
DeveloperAlias | 4209 | 1564 | 0 |
ProjectVersion | 3336 | 1770 | 143533 |
ProjectFile | 16875 | 10879 | 830792 |
MailMessage | 1430 | 4833 | - |
MailingListThread | 631 | 2467 | - |
Bug | 5555 | 246 | - |
BugReportMessage | 21326 | 1657 | - |
3.3 Metric plug-ins
The Alitheia core engine can be extended by plug-ins that calculate metrics.
Metric plug-ins are OSGi services that implement a common interface and
are discoverable using the plug-in administrator service. In practice, all
metric plug-ins inherit from an abstract implementation of the plug-in
interface and only have to provide implementations of 2 methods for each
binding datatype (run() and getResult()) and the
install() method to register the plug-in to the system. Moreover, to
hide the intricacies of setting up the OSGi class sharing mechanism, our
system provides a skeleton plug-in that is already preconfigured to the
requirements of the platform. The net result is that with exactly 30 lines of
code, a researcher can write a simple source code line counting metric that
fetches a file from the repository, counts its lines, stores the result, and
returns it upon request.
Each plug-in is associated with a set of activation types. An activation type
indicates that a plug-in must be activated in response to a change to the
corresponding project asset; this is the name of the database entity that
models the asset and therefore the metric is activated each time a new entry is
added to the database table. A metric plug-in can define several metrics, which
are identified by a unique name (mnemonic). Each metric is associated with a
scope that specifies the set of resources this metric is calculated against:
for example files, namespaces, mailing lists or directories. Metrics can also
declare dependencies on other metrics and the system will use this information
to adjust the plug-in execution order accordingly through the metric activator
service. The system administrator can also specify a set of policies regulating
the recalculation frequency for each metric plug-in. Metric results are stored
in the system database either in predefined tables or in plug-in specific
tables. The retrieval of results is bound to the resource state the metric was
calculated upon.
A plug-in can use a wealth of services from the core to obtain project related
data using simple method calls. For example, a plug-in can:
- request a checkout for a specific project revision or
opt for a faster in-memory representation of the file tree and load
the content of the required files on demand,
- request a list of all threads a specific email has been sent to,
and then navigate from the returned objects to the parent threads or to the
mailing lists,
- get all actions performed by a single developer across all
project data sources, and
- request for a measurement calculated by another plug-in. The system
will automatically invoke the other plug-in if the requested measurement
cannot be found in the database.
We have already developed a number of metric plug-ins; the most important are
listed in Table 2. To judge the magnitude and contribution of
the developed infrastructure note that the sum of the lines of code for all
plug-ins is less than 8% of the lines of code of the Alitheia Core.
Table 2: List of currently implemented metrics.
| Data | | | | |
Plug-in | Source | Description | Activator | Metrics | LoC |
Size | Product | Calculates various project size measurements,
such as number of files and lines for various types of source files. | ProjectFile ProjectVersion | 11 | 642 |
Module | Product | Aggregates size metrics per source code directory.
| ProjectFile ProjectVersion | 3 | 417 |
Code structure | Product | Parses source code to a language neutral
intermediate representation and evaluates structure metrics,
such as the Chidamber and Kemerer metric suite [16],
on the intermediate representation. | ProjectVersion | 15 | 958 |
Contribution | Process | Analyzes repository, mailing list and bug
database developer activity and extracts a measurement of the developer
contribution to the development process [17]. | MailingListThread ProjectVersion Bug | 1 | 670 |
Multigrep | Product | Applies a regular expression to source code files
and reports the matches as a measurement. The applied regular expression
is configurable at run-time. | ProjectFile | Configurable | 346 |
Testability | Product | Identifies and counts testing cases for common
unit testing frameworks. | ProjectFile | 1 | 561 |
Quality | Both | A custom quality model implementation that
aggregates the results of various structure, size and process metrics
into an ordinal scale evaluation [18]. | ProjectVersion | 1 | 2408 |
3.4 Presentation of results
The Alitheia Core system also includes support for presenting the calculated
results and project metadata through the web services component. This
acts as a gateway between the core and the various user
interfaces, using a SOAP-based communication protocol. At the moment, two
user interfaces are provided; a web interface that enables browsing of the
processing results on the web, and an Eclipse plug-in that allows developers to
see the results of their work through their work environment.
A new REST-based data access component is currently under design.
The new framework is targeted to opening up the preprocessed data residing on the
Alitheia Core master servers to the research community using easy to handle
data formats ( XML and JSON), and will enable various
Alitheia Core instances to exchange metadata and plug-in results through a
new set of Alitheia Core to Alitheia Core updaters. It will also form the
basis of a new web-based interface that will support custom report generation
through a web-based query builder.
3.5 Extension Points
Alitheia Core was designed to be highly extensible. The system hides all
service implementations behind well-defined interfaces and instantiates at
runtime through a set of instantiation protocols, based on configuration
parameters or data access URLs, hidden in factory classes. Following is a
non-exhaustive list of extension points that are present in the system:
- The data accessor stack can be extended to provide access to
project assets not currently in the Alitheia Core system, for
example to IRC backlogs and wiki systems or to alternative
raw data storage formats (e.g. SCM accessors for GIT or
Mercurial repositories).
- The metadata updater stack can be extended to incorporate
changes to the data accessors by importing new kinds of data
in the database.
- Plug-ins and core services can extend the database schema with
custom tables. The system is more fragile to changes to the core
schema, but such changes are possible if they are carefully hidden behind
method calls inside data access objects. In fact,
throughout the course of the project, we did change the source code metadata
schema twice without making significant changes to plug-ins or other
system parts.
- New administrative actions can be defined in the administration
service, to cater for custom installation or clustering scenarios.
Administrative actions automatically benefit from the administrative
service facilities such as input validation for common data types and
provision of the service through programmatic or URL interfaces.
3.6 Project data
Figure 3: Data mirror layout
The Alitheia Core itself is not concerned with mirroring data from projects; it
expects data to be mirrored externally. This choice was made at the beginning of
the project to compensate for the large number of different data sources which
the system should work with. Several of those already offer means of
synchronizing data across sites, for example Subversion offers the
svnsync tool for mirroring repositories while distributed SCM
systems already copy the full repository history on checkout. Mailing lists can
be mirrored by configuring the mail delivery subsystem on the mirroring host to
store incoming messages to a specified directory and then subscribing to each
mailing list. Mailing lists archive mirroring requires custom scripts per
project site, although various mailing list archiving web sites (e.g.
marc) offer a unified view over thousands of mailing lists for common
projects. Finally, bug tracking tools usually offer means to retrieve
individual bug histories through web-based or RPC-based interfaces.
To construct a standardized research dataset to use with Alitheia Core, we
setup a project mirroring infrastructure, an outline of which can be seen in
Figure 3. We are actively mirroring 712 projects and so far we
have gathered 4674236 Subversion revisions, 895815 emails in 1381 mailing lists
and 341546 bug reports, summing up to 213GB of data. We are actively
maintaining and expanding the project mirror, mainly by introducing custom
scripts to mirror mailing list data and bug databases from various projects.
4 Case study: Shut Up and Code!
To demonstrate the flexibility of Alitheia Core as a research platform, we
present the setup of a small experiment and the plug-in implementation of
the data extraction algorithm we employ for the measurements we perform.
For the sake of brevity, we skip validation for the various assumptions we make
and we do not perform any analysis of the experiment results.
4.1 Research hypothesis
A well known and well studied (both from a social [19] and
technical [20] perspective) phenomenon in electronic communications is
heated discussions, usually refereed to as "flame wars". Flame wars happen
on mailing lists but can also happen on IRC channels or other forms of
instant electronic communications. During a flame war the electronic
communication etiquette collapses: the topic of discussion stirs away from
software development, the rate of message exchanges increases sharply, and the
exchanged messages rather than debating the technical aspects of the argument
often target directly other participants. Heated discussions do not
necessarily signify a flame war; a technical or managerial issue might also
elevate the discussion's rate of exchanges. When the point being pondered is
insignificant the discussion is often referred to as a "bikeshed argument"
[21], after Parkinson's Law of Triviality [22]. Heated
discussions are known to affect the community's social structure; what we try
to investigate is whether they also affect the project's evolution in the short
term by altering the rate at which source code line changes while the
discussion is active.
The first step would be to define heated discussions, by examining their
characteristics. From observing the evolution of mailing lists, we can assume
that intense discussions will take place in the context of a single thread.
Also, threads with intense discussions are usually several levels deep and
contain more messages than the average thread. Therefore, if we obtain a list
of threads sorted by the number of messages and one sorted by the maximum depth, we
could assume that the threads that belong in the top quartile of both lists
could be classified as intense discussions.
Along similar lines, the effect of an
intense discussion on a project's short term evolution can be evaluated by
comparing the rate of changed source code lines in a period of e.g. one month
before the start of the discussion to the rate of line changes immediately
after the discussion start and of a period of one week.
4.2 Plug-in implementation
To create a plug-in for Alitheia Core, a researcher must first identify the
potential experiment variables and their relationships with the entities that
Alitheia Core maintains in its database, probably following the GQM
method [23]. Alitheia Core calculates metrics incrementally; for
each identified resource change, all metrics that are bound to the resource
type are calculated for the changed instances of the resource. The plug-in we
describe will need to calculate the depth and the number of emails of a thread,
so naturally it will be bound to the MailingListThread entity. Each
time a MailingListThread is updated (e.g. when new emails arrive) the
plug-in will be called; to avoid recalculation of threads that have already
been evaluated, we will need to cache the result in the database. This is done
by defining a new metric.
The calculation of the rate of line changes for the period before the start of
the heated discussion and immediately after it is trickier, as Alitheia
Core does not currently have any means to store the results of a measurement
against a set of entity states. There are two workarounds to this issue:
- store the result against all entity states in the required period, or
- synthesize the result on request, by incrementally combining
individual state measurements.
It is usually cheaper, more precise and future-proof to follow the second
Alitheia Core plug-ins are designed for re-use; if a
basic plug-in exports individual measurements of small parts of each assessed
resource state, then a high-level plug-in can combine measurements from
various other plug-ins to a greater effect. In our case, we designed the
described plug-in to calculate the number of lines that have changed in each
new project version (and therefore be bound to the ProjectVersion
entity) and then to use those measurements to calculate the rate of changed
lines when a heated discussion is discovered. As expected, the measurement
of the lines of code for the changed files is not performed inside our plug-in,
but instead we re-use the size plug-in to obtain them for each changed file, as
shown in the following code extract:
int getLOCResult(ProjectFile pf) {
AlitheiaPlugin plugin = AlitheiaCore
List<Metric> metrics = new ArrayList<Metric>();
Result r = plugin.getResult(pf, metrics);
return r.getRow(0).getCol(0).getInteger();
Overall, the plug-in is bound to two entities (or activators) and defines three
metrics; the "verloc" metric for storing the number of lines changed per
revision, the "hotness" metric for storing an indicator of how heated a
discussion is for each mailing list thread and the "hoteffect" metric for
storing the changes in the line commit rates for the threads that have been
identified as heated discussions. The plug-in developer needs to provide
implementations for exactly five methods, two for each activation type
(run() and getResult()) and the install() method to
register the exported metrics to the database.
After designing the plug-in outline, the implementation itself is easy
given the wealth of features offered by the Alitheia Core API.
Metric declarations take a single line of code in the install() method:
super.addSupportedMetrics("Locs changed in version",
"VERLOC", MetricType.Type.PROJECT_WIDE);
Returning a result stored in the standard Alitheia Core schema is equally
straightforward. The following code is the actuall implementation of the
getResult() method for the ProjectVersion activator.
public List<ResultEntry> getResult(ProjectVersion pv,
Metric m) {
return getResult(pv, m,
The following extract is from the run() method implementation for the
ProjectVersion activator. It demonstrates how object relational
mapping used in Alitheia Core simplifies access to project entities. The code
calculates the total number of lines changed in a specific project version and
then stores the result to the database.
for (ProjectFile pf : pv.getVersionFiles()) {
if (pf.isDeleted()) {
linesChanged += getLOCResult(pf.getPrevVer());
} else if (pf.isAdded()) {
linesChanged += getLOCResult(pf);
} else { // MODIFIED or REPLACED
linesChanged += Math.abs(
- getLOCResult(pf.getPrevVer());
ProjectVersionMeasurement pvm =
new ProjectVersionMeasurement(m, pv,linesChanged);
The discussion heat plug-in implementation in total consists of 270 lines
of Java code.
4.3 Results
We run the plug-in on 48 projects from the Gnome ecosystem. For each project, we
imported the full source code repository and mailing list archives (current in
January 2009) in our Alitheia Core installation. In total, the system's
metadata updaters processed
151383 revisions (summing up to
976154 file changes) and
79 mailing lists with
106469 email messages organized around
41310 threads. The combined size of all data was 2.5 GB.
The preprocessing phase for the whole dataset took about 12
hours on a 8 core server, which also hosts the system database.
In comparison, a shell script that checks out the first version of a local
mirror of the Evince project repository and then loops over the first 2000
revisions invoking the sloccount program on every revision,
takes about 60 minutes on the same hardware.
The discussion heat plug-in workload is mostly database bound; to evaluate its
scalability we run the plug-in on a machine featuring a 16-thread 1 GHz
SPARC CPU and 8 GB of memory. The machine is underpowered by
modern standards for sequential workloads but provides a very good benchmark
for application scalability. We configured Alitheia Core to run 24 parallel
jobs to compensate for the extensive I/O caused by frequent accesses to
the database. During execution, the processor utilization was steadily more
than 80%. The database was run on our dedicated 8 core database server on
which the CPU load never exceeded 50%. The total execution time was 2
hours and 40 minutes. Obviously, the presented performance numbers are plug-in
specific, and in fact other plug-ins use significantly more CPU power.
Table 3: Results from the discussion heat plugin.
Project | Cases | Avg. HotEffect |
Evince | 8 | 384 |
F-Spot | 12 | -114 |
Garnome | 2 | 105 |
gedit | 6 | 31 |
Gnome-Screensaver | 3 | 29 |
Gnome-System-Tools | 5 | 65 |
LSR | 2 | 437 |
Meld | 3 | 16 |
MlView | 1 | 141 |
Muine | 3 | -368 |
Orbit2 | 14 | 44 |
Planner | 7 | 39 |
Sabayon | 4 | -54 |
Sawfish | 4 | -182 |
Seahorse | 3 | 3167 |
Tracker | 19 | 2950 |
Vala | 9 | 244 |
The results of the application of the plug-in on the aforementioned dataset
can be seen in Table 3. The table lists the number of email
threads that were identified as heated discussions and their average effect in
terms of the rate of lines of code changed in the project's repository before
and during the intense discussion. From the 48 measured projects, only 17
appeared to have intense discussions using our relatively strict definition
presented above. The surprising finding of this experiment is that for the
projects we measured, intense discussions appear to have an overall positive
rather than negative effect in most cases. This means that after or during an
intense discussion the rate of lines of code committed to the repository
increases. This result seems to contradict expectations and requires further
We used this experiment to demonstrate Alitheia Core's efficiency in conducting
software engineering research by combining raw data and results from other
tools. A relatively complex experiment was reduced to a set of simple to
implement methods, thanks to the rich abstractions that Alitheia Core exposes
to the developer. The discussion heat plug-in is now part of our Alitheia Core
installation and is being continuously run as new data arrive to our
data-mirroring system.
5 Related work
The continuous metric monitoring approach towards achieving software quality is
not new. The first systems that automate metric collection emerged
as revision control systems and bug management databases were
integrated in the development processes. Early efforts concentrated on small
scale, centralized teams and product metrics (e.g. [24,25]),
usually to support quality models or management targets set using the
Goal-Question-Metric approach [23]. Alitheia Core is able to process
more data sources and while it does feature a quality model implementation, it
is not tied to it, allowing the user to combine arbitrary software metrics
towards a custom definition of quality.
Two early systems that attempted the merging of heterogeneous data from
software repositories are the Release History Database [26] and
Softchange [27]. Both where based on a collection of special purpose
scripts to populate databases with data coming from from certain projects. As
such, they were not adopted by the research community. Hipikat [28]
collected data from both repositories, mailing lists and bug databases but
its scope and purpose was different: to provide guidance to developers based
on the extraction of prior organizational knowledge. The overall
architecture of Hipikat bears a resemblance to that of
Alitheia Core as both systems were designed to handle generic sets of
large data volumes. Hipikat is a purpose specific system; Alitheia Core offers
more generic abstractions of the underlying data sources and defers processing
to external clients (plug-ins).
The Hackystat [29] project was one of the first efforts to consider
both process and product metrics in its evaluation process. Hackystat is based
upon a push model for retrieving data as it requires tools (sensors) to
be installed at the developer's site. The sensors monitor the developer's use
of tools and updates a centralized server. Alitheia Core is similar to
Hackystat in that it can process product and process data; it improves over
Hackystat as it does not require any changes to the developer's toolchest or
the project's configuration while it can also process soft data such as mailing
A number of projects have considered the analysis of OSS
development data for research purposes. Flossmole [30] was first to
provide a database of preprocessed data from the Sourceforge OSS
development site. The FlossMetrics project [31] runs various
independent analysis tools on a large set of software repositories and
publishes the resulting datasets. Both of these projects aim to provide
datasets to the community, while Alitheia Core focuses more on the provision of
research infrastructure platform.
6 Conclusions
Analyzing and evaluating software development process and source code
characteristics is an important step towards achieving software product
quality. The Alitheia Cores system is a platform modeled around a
pluggable, extensible architecture that allows it to incorporate
many types of data sources and be accessible through various user
Future planned work on the platform includes the expansion of
the data accessors plug-ins to include support for other source code
management systems, a web service that will allow external plug-in
submissions to be run against the preprocessed data currently hosted
on our servers and a REST-based API for accessing
project metadata and measurements in a simple way.
The full source code for the Alitheia Core and the plug-ins can be found
at http://www.sqo-oss.org.
This work was partially funded by the European Community's Sixth Framework Programme under the contract IST-2005-033331
"Software Quality Observatory for Open Source Software (SQO-OSS)".
Project contributors include the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Prosyst
Software GmbH, Sirius plc, Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB and members from the
KDE project community. The authors would like to thank Stavros Grigorakakis for
his help in organizing the mirrored project data and Efthymia Aivaloglou for
her contribution in optimizing HQL/SQL queries.
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αλήθεια means "truth"
in Greek; the name was given to signify the tool's ability to expose facts
about software development.
2This is the message of the day on the Free BSD project's main
login server.
File translated from
version 3.79.
On 10 Jun 2009, 09:58.