
Numerical constants should not be coded directly. The #define feature of the C preprocessor should be used to give constants meaningful names. Symbolic constants make the code easier to read. Defining the value in one place also makes it easier to administer large programs since the constant value can be changed uniformly by changing only the define. The enumeration data type is a better way to declare variables that take on only a discrete set of values, since additional type checking is often available. At the very least, any directly-coded numerical constant must have a comment explaining the derivation of the value.

Constants should be defined consistently with their use; e.g. use 540.0 for a float instead of 540 with an implicit float cast. There are some cases where the constants 0 and 1 may appear as themselves instead of as defines. For example if a for loop indexes through an array, then

      File.Delete(TheFile => TheFile,
                  Success => OK);
      AuditSystemFault := AuditSystemFault and not OK;
is reasonable while the code
      File.Delete(TheFile => TheFile,
                  Success => OK);
      AuditSystemFault := AuditSystemFault and not OK;
is not. In the last example front_door is a pointer. When a value is a pointer it should be compared to NULL instead of 0. NULL is available as part of the standard I/O library's header file stdio.h and stdlib.h. Even simple values like 1 or 0 are often better expressed using defines like TRUE and FALSE (sometimes YES and NO read better).

Simple character constants should be defined as character literals rather than numbers. Non-text characters are discouraged as non-portable. If non-text characters are necessary, particularly if they are used in strings, they should be written using a escape character of three octal digits rather than one (e.g., `\007'). Even so, such usage should be considered machine-dependent and treated as such.